Protect Your Home With A Backwater Valve
Skilled plumbing is not a side job for us, not a service we take care of in addition to other types of work. We are genuine, expert plumbers and are dedicated to providing nothing short of service excellence for each and every one of our clients.
Quality Backwater Valve Service
Put simply, a backwater valve is a device that is implemented in order to ensure water or sewage only flows in one direction – out or away from your home. Circumstances like sudden heavy rain can overwhelm city sewer lines, causing backflow. That means your consumable water will be contaminated by unclean water or sewage.
Once you have this device in place, you will need to take care of it for optimal performance:
Check your valve at least once a year and remove any debris that may be causing it not to work in an effective manner. Anything that could compromise the performance of your backflow system should be taken care of immediately, which is why it is vital to let a true professional plumber handle your service needs.
Inspect the O-ring around the lid to ensure that it is in good condition. You may need us to change it from time to time, this helps make sure the seal is as tight as it is supposed to be.
The same holds true for the floats that are in place to lift the flap as needed. An inspection should be carried out to make certain they are performing as they should be. If not, they must be repaired or replaced, which we can handle for you.
Superior Workmanship for Your Backwater Valves
This device plays a vital role in your plumbing system, namely keeping out hazardous waste you don't want in your home or system. So make it a point to select your plumbing expert wisely, in order to get better service and results. The Drain King can offer you the best in all the plumbing work we do, including backwater valves.